b'Membership has grown consistently training is free to club members includ-over the years, and we have all made ing partners. The club offers varioussome great friendships and experi- training courses to members includingenced many Jeep adventures along the (Proficiency) MJOC Basic Driverway. Yes, there have been some Training, Advanced Driver Training, andlearning experiences along the way, but winching and Trip Leader Training.we have managed to become one of the The MJOC Musterlarger four wheel drive clubs in Victoria The annual MJOC Muster originallyand easily the largest Jeep club in the started out as the celebration of theland.anniversary of the club and held over aThe club has run driver training with a long weekend. The muster has a baseJeep focus since inception in 1997. camp in a suitable location and variousClub trips are run very regularly and pre individual trips are run each day. ThisCOVID we would run trips 2 or 3 times a years 25th Anniversary muster is atmonth, we are a very active club. All our Easter and will be held out of Alexandratrips are run by trained Trip Leaders close to all our favorite 4WD tracks.who complete our Trip Leader Training. Over the years MJOC has beenThis ensures our trips are run by involved in many volunteer projects withmembers who are competent in safely FWDV such as track clearing and bushmanaging recoveries, convoys and clean-ups with Parks Victoria andissues that may occur on a trip. All our DELWP. MJOC has also been quick tomembers must do our basic training assist with various emergency andcourse prior to attending any 4wd trip disaster response efforts especiallyother than an easy rating. The MJOCWe have members all over Victoria andsome interstate and our current meet-ings are shared on Zoom as well asface to face to cater for our more distantmembers.Over the years the club has run trips toevery possible 4WD destination inVictoria and many trips interstate. Someof the more popular destinations havebecome annual iconic events such asMount Skene snow trips, the beaches ofBeachport and Robe in SA, andnumerous adventures to Victorias HighCountry and to the deserts of theVictorian Outback and beyond. In 2021the club ran a trip to Cape York runningthe COVID19 lockdown gauntle,t somehaving to come home the long waythrough Alice Springs.TRACKWATCHMARCH 2022 15'