b'FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA PROJECTSFour Wheel Drive Victoria and its memberclubs participate in a wide range of communityactivitiesTrack ClearingTrack clearing is a program that is performed by volunteers from affiliated 4WDclubs and Parks Vic and Forest Fire Manage-ment Victoria (FFMVic) rangers working to-gether to clear tracks of fallen trees andgeneral cleanup of over grown tracks andfallen branches. This normally happens in Numerous four wheel drive clubs have assisted in theNovember for the opening of seasonally maintenace and restoration of iconic High CountryClosed roads but is often done by clubs out hutson trips when they come across an issue also.Adopt a TrackAdopt a Hut A program that monitors the state of tracks Mountain and High Country huts provideand carrys out routine maintenance and refuge for bush walkers, cross-countrycleanups. skiers and visitors at times when theweather is inclement.Adopt a Cemetery Many of these old huts werebuilt by localcattleman and miners and have historicalvalue to the community.Working together under a Memorandum ofUnderstanding with the Victorian HighCountry Huts Association (VHCHA) clubsperformgeneral maintenance on huts andthe surrounding area and in some cases,stock the huts with firewood for the winter.This is a valuable community activity thatThe cleaning, maintaining and preservation can help save lives. If you would like to beof country cemeteries in towns that no involved in any of these worthwhile andlonger exist due to the passing of time.rewarding programs please contact the FourWheel Drive Victoria Office. Idlers 4WD Club members restored Stones Hutinthe Victorian High Country79'