b"Sept 2022 Trackwatch.qxp_Trackwatch Layout 18/09/20229:37 pmPage 24Alberrie Creek Mutonia Lake Eyre SouthSculpture ParkAdrian and Geoff were encouraging the sun by decking us to soak or swim in, as Dalhousie is.out in summer gear - a bit early for the rest of us. At the It was time for a cuppa and more treats from Dis Auntyofficial Lake Eyre Lookout - and Information Board, the Bettys recipe book. We returned to the Track via a chickenwhole bike contingent and many caravanners were track to avoid the corrugations we had helped create.stopped.We sailed past them all, happy that Robin had Very soon, we arrived at Coward Springs Conservationforeseen the prospect of such a gathering and chose to Area, formerly a Ghan rail siding. This is a 20 acre plot ofhave us stop at an earlier point. freehold land set aside for nature conservation. It offers aWe bypassed Curdimurka Railway Siding because no one great camping spot and even a small hot tub to indulge insaid to stop - my first lesson in speaking up when given the (as Geoff did), but at 11:30am this was not to be our campopportunity!Seagulls were seen in a roadside pond, spot!$2pp for a look and more to camp.indicating a fish presence. A few bikes passed us againbefore we turned left to visit Mound Springs and TheBubblers 4km off the main road in Wabma KadarbuConservation Park. These oases, like Dalhousie Springs,are fed by the Great Artesian Basin, a massive under-ground water source that flows under nearly a fifth of thecountry. They have been flowing for millions of years andsupport a huge diversity of fauna. The mounds build uparound the spring and the water can be fresh, salty, warm,or hot - as Leo and Geoff found.Pathways and platforms Coward Springs have been built for us to observe them, but they are not for\x033$&.\x03285\x03\x03\x17:'\x03:,7+\x03+8*(6$9,1*6\x03)520\x037+(\x035('6+('\x04+XVTYDUQD\x03\x17\x16\x18H\x03&+$,16$:TRAINING COURSES 2022 7 KLV\x03\x17\x13FF\x03FKDLQVDZ\x03FRPHV\x03 %2186\x04ZLWK\x03\x14\x19\x03LQFK\x03\x0b\x17\x13FP\x0c\x03EDU\x11\x03,W\x03LV\x03 &KDLQVDZ\x03BOOK ONLINE ILWWHG\x03ZLWK\x03\x03D\x03VSHFLDO\x03\x11\x16\x15\x18\x03 &DUU\\\x03&DVH\x0f\x03Open to all club members, the general public and corporate organisations. FKDLQ\x03IRU\x03D\x03EHWWHU\x03FXW\x11 )LOLQJ\x03.LW\x03\x03Browse courses online at www.fwdvictoria.org.au and call the office to &KDLQbook on (03) 9874 722PROFICIENCY COURSES+XVTYDUQD\x03\x17\x16\x18H\x03ZLWK\x03\x07\x14\x18\x18\x03%RQXV\x04Tuesday 10th September - PC220906 - Theory *5($7\x03 HONDA EU22i GENERATORSaturday 20th September - PC220906 - Practical %8Tuesday 29th October - PC221004 - Theory Australias No. 1 CAMPING GENERATOR\x03Saturday 2nd October - PC221004 - Practical %8\x0312:\x0f\x036$9(\x03\x07\x14\x18\x13\x03Tuesday 28th November - PC221108 - Theory on Hondas EU22i Generator!Saturday 2nd November - PC221108 - Practical +RQGD\x03(8\x15\x15L\x0321/\x03\x07\x14\x1c\x17\x1cTuesday 28th November - PC221129 - Theory 6$9(\x03\x03\x07\x14\x18\x13Saturday 1st December - PC221129 - Practical Only Available while STOCKS LAST!Training Bookings Go Online 7R\x03FODLP\x03WKHVH\x0363(&,$/\x032))(56\x03\x039LVLW\x03Four Wheel Drive Victoria training courses can now be booked entirelyonline. Being a RQH\x03RI\x03RXU\x03\x19\x03*5($7\x03/2&$7,216\x1d\x03Registered Training Organisation (RTO 21605), all bookingscan be done via our web- 'DQGHQRQJ\x03\x10\x030LWFKDP\x03\x10\x03%XQ\\LS\x03\x03\x03site link. Both accredited and non-accredited courses can now be booked online andonline payments will also soon be available. Four Wheel Drive Victoria offer non- %D\\VZDWHU\x03\x10\x03&UDQERXUQH\x03\x10\x033DNHQKDPwww.theredshed.com.auaccredited Proficiency 4WD training and a range ofAccredited 4WD and ChainsawCourses.Call 1300 136 572 Check out all the details at fwdvictoria.org.au/training22 SEPTEMBER2022 TRACKWATCH"