b"Dec 2021 Trackwatch.qxp_Trackwatch Layout 128/11/20215:31 pmPage 28 Club SpotlightToyota Land Cruiser Club of Victoria Wheel Bearing Course 2021The 2021 Wheel Bearing Course was held at Yarck on components, one of the participants asked if he could turnJuly 11th and 12th, with Tony Swinden as the instructor. the drawing over so we could read the writing. TonyWith temperatures 2OC overnight and only 8OC during thought it read fine to him.the day, 12 eager participants dressed more for the snow The theory lasted no more than an hour and then it wasthan a mechanics workshop fronted for the course. time to do things for real.Tony offered to use his TroopyThe day started with some theory, with Tony holding in as the demo and practice vehicle. A brave move givenfront of him his fantastic poster size hand drawing of both none of us had any idea what we were doing.the front and rear wheel bearing assemblies.As Tony lent The Troopy was moved into the new multiple purposehis face over the drawings to point out the various building when we noticed the first issue with the newbuilding.There was no hoist. So, with creaking knees,\x033$&.\x03285\x03\x03\x17:'\x03:,7+\x03+8*( frozen fingers and very cold cement floor, the practicallesson began.6$9,1*6\x03)520\x037+(\x035('6+('\x04 Tony is a man of many talents and one of them is knowing+XVTYDUQD\x03\x17\x16\x18H\x03&+$,16$: how to weld his alloy rear wheels to the hubs.With no7 KLV\x03\x17\x13FF\x03FKDLQVDZ\x03FRPHV\x03 %2186\x04 wheel nuts and an excessive amount of kicking andZLWK\x03\x14\x19\x03LQFK\x03\x0b\x17\x13FP\x0c\x03EDU\x11\x03,W\x03LV\x03 &KDLQVDZ\x03 whacking with a 5 pound hammer, the first wheel stayedILWWHG\x03ZLWK\x03\x03D\x03VSHFLDO\x03\x11\x16\x15\x18\x03 &DUU\\\x03&DVH\x0f\x03 firmly planted. FKDLQ\x03IRU\x03D\x03EHWWHU\x03FXW\x11 )LOLQJ\x03.LW\x03\x03 With 12 more experts in offering opinionsstanding&KDLQ around, we concluded that by placing two blocks of woodbetween the tyre and rear springs and then hammering astar picket between them as a wedge, we might be able topry the wheel off.And guess what, it worked, offering+XVTYDUQD\x03\x17\x16\x18H\x03ZLWK\x03\x07\x14\x18\x18\x03%RQXV\x04 credibility to the experts in offering opinions status of thegroup. How proud we all werepeacocks one and all. *5($7\x03 HONDA EU22i GENERATOR%8Australias No. 1 CAMPING GENERATOR\x03%8\x0312:\x0f\x036$9(\x03\x07\x14\x18\x13\x03on Hondas EU22i Generator!+RQGD\x03(8\x15\x15L\x0321/\x03\x07\x14\x1c\x17\x1c6$9(\x03\x03\x07\x14\x18\x13Only Available while STOCKS LAST!7R\x03FODLP\x03WKHVH\x0363(&,$/\x032))(56\x03\x039LVLW\x03RQH\x03RI\x03RXU\x03\x19\x03*5($7\x03/2&$7,216\x1d\x03'DQGHQRQJ\x03\x10\x030LWFKDP\x03\x10\x03%XQ\\LS\x03\x03\x03%D\\VZDWHU\x03\x10\x03&UDQERXUQH\x03\x10\x033DNHQKDPwww.theredshed.com.auCall 1300 136 572 26 DECEMBER2021 TRACKWATCH"