Four Wheel Drive Victoria - Code of Ethics
Obey the laws and regulations for Recreational Vehicles that apply to public lands.                              

Respect the cultural, heritage and environmental values of public/private land, by obeying restrictions that may apply.
Respect our flora and fauna. Stop and look, but never disturb.
Keep to formed vehicle tracks.
Keep the environment clean. Carry your own, and any other, rubbish out.
Keep your vehicle mechanically sound and clean to reduce the environment impact.
Adopt minimal impact camping and driving practices.
Seek permission before driving on private land. Do not disturb livestock or watering points, leave gates as found.
Take adequate water, food, fuel, basic spares and a first aid kit on trips. In remote areas travel with another vehicle and have Royal Flying Doctor Service, or equivalent, radio contact
Enjoy your recreation and respect the rights of others.
Plan ahead and lodge trip details with a responsible person.
Support four-wheel drive touring as a responsible and legitimate family recreational activity. Consider joining an affiliated four-wheel drive club
This code supports the national recreational vehicle policy and is valuable only if you observe it.

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